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Marketing rule types

You can set marketing rules based on a wide range of data and behaviour.

Updated over 9 months ago


Best Tag Value

Used to target a customer based on their affinity to particular categories or brands, based on their browsing behaviour. You can specify which tag you want to target, where that appears in the rankings for that customer, any tags you want to exclude and which time period you want to analyze.

Current Device

Used to target a customer based on the device, browser, or operating system they're using to access the content. This rule also enables you to check for certain proxy services used by common ISPs.

Lapsed Buyer

Used to target customers that have made a purchase in the last year but have not made a purchase in the specified analytics period.

New Buyer

Used to target customers who have made their first purchase in the defined analytics period.

Person Field

Used to target customers based on any related person field. This includes language, currency and many others. You can also use this rule type to target custom data fields imported into the platform.

Examples of common Person Field data



Full Name

Person's full name

First Name

Person's first name

Last Name

Person's Last Name


Person's email address


Person's preferred currency


Person's preferred language

Availability of data for these fields depends on your integration with Fresh Relevance and whether or not this data can be collected from your site. Contact Support if you're unsure what information is available to you.

For core fields, the Person Field value rule requires three pieces of information: the person field to check, the type of comparison to use and the value to compare it with.

For custom (extend) fields, the Person Field value rule requires the above three pieces of information as well as the type that the value is expected to be.

Top Buyer

Used to target customers who are in the top 10% of buyers on site within the defined analytics period.

Disengaged Visitor

Used to target customers that have visited the site in the last year but have not visited within the specified analytics period.


Used to target customers that we are able to link to an email address and/or a mobile number.

Member of a Segment

Used to target customers that belong to a particular segment that you specify.

On Experience

Used to target customers on a particular experience.

Purchase Price Prediction

Used to target customers based on whether their price prediction is low, medium or high.

Requires price predictions to be enabled on your account. Contact Support if you need help with this.

Person History

Average Signal Value

Used to target customers based on what the average monetary value per session of either their browsed, carted, or purchased products were over a given time period.

Has Been Sent Message

Used to target customers that have been sent a triggered email or SMS over a specified time period. This can be refined by trigger stage and by trigger type.

Has Browsed

Used to target customers who have browsed a particular product, a product with a specific tag value, or any product at all within the specified time period.

If matching on tag or tag value, this counts up all the products matching any of the tags or tag values specified in the rule. To match a value against individual tags, you must create a separate rule for each tag or tag value. The rule counts each visit to the product details page as one browse event so if product X with tag value of Y is browsed three times, this counts as three.

Has Carted

Used to target customers who have carted a particular product, a product with a specific tag value or any product at all within the specified time period.

If matching on tag or tag value in this rule, it counts up all the products matching any of the tags or tag values specified in the rule. To match a value against individual tags, you must create a separate rule for each tag or tag value. The rule doesn’t consider the quantity of each product that is carted, so if product X with tag value of Y is carted three times, this only counts as one.

Multiple visits to the cart result in the number of times a product matches increasing, as do multiple cart visits in different sessions, i.e. if someone carts one of product X and returns to their cart five times over the course of several sessions, this counts as being carted five times, even though they may have only added it once.

Has Purchased

Used to target customers who have purchased a particular product, a product with a specific tag value or any product at all within the specified time period.

If matching on tag or tag value in this rule, it counts up all the products matching any of the tags or tag values specified in the rule. To match a value against individual tags, you must create a separate rule for each tag or tag value. The rule doesn’t consider the quantity of each product that is purchased, so if product X with tag value of Y is purchased three times within one transaction, this only counts as one. If it is purchased once in three separate transactions, it counts as three.

Recent Custom Signal

Used to target customers that have performed a custom defined action.

Session Count

Used to target customers based on the number of sessions they have started within the pre-defined time period.

First Visit Within

Used to target customers that have had their first visit within a set time period.

This rule matches the date of a first visit; if a user first visited two years ago, and has also visited many more times since then, the rule matches on the date of the first visit.

Has Interacted With Email

Used to target customers that have either been sent, opened or clicked-through from an email in the defined time period.

Only available with certain message providers. Contact Support if you're unsure whether your provider supports this.

Recent Cart Value

Used to target customers that have had a cart total or average value of a specified amount within a specified time period. This rule can also check whether the customer carted one or more products with a specified value.

Recent Purchase Value

Used to target customers that have had a total or average purchase value of a specified amount within a defined time period. This rule can also check whether the customer purchased one or more products with a specified value.

Current Email

Only available for email personalization.


Used to target customers that match the specified currency on the triggered email. Can only be used on triggered email campaigns; cart abandon, browse abandon, purchase complete.


Used to target customers that match the specified language on the triggered email. Can only be used on triggered email campaigns; cart abandon, browse abandon, purchase complete.

Merge Field

Used to target customers that match the merged field value on the Slot merge code. The field needs to be added to the Slot’s properties and a value merged into the link and image URLs. This value can then be checked against the desired value.

The most common use is to pass values from your ESP that can then be checked in the rules, for example, a customer group or a customer’s date of birth.

The Merge Field Value rule requires four pieces of information: the merge field to check, the type of data that field holds, how to compare against the merge field value and the value to compare it with.

Site Brand

Used to target customers that match the specified site brand, for example, US site, on the triggered email. Can only be used on triggered email campaigns; cart abandon, browse abandon, purchase complete.

Current Page

Only available for web personalization.


Used to target customers that match the specified currency. This is typically passed from the site automatically through our script.


Used to target customers that match the specified language. This is typically passed from the site automatically through our script.

Merge Field

Available for Slots and Experiences.

Used to deploy SmartBlocks based on whether a specific merge field value is present in the Slot URL. Typically this is done by our script, so may require updates to pass back specific values. Check with Support if you’re unsure if the value you require is being passed or not.

If you’re using server-side personalization, check the relevant support article for details of how to pass these values back.

The Merge Field Value rule requires four pieces of information: the merge field to check, the type of data that field holds, how to compare against the merge field value and the value to compare it with.

Site Brand

Used to target customers on a specific site brand.

Page Type

Used to deploy different SmartBlocks on different page types.

Managed through our script. Contact Support if you're unsure which type a page is identified as.


Available for Slots and Experiences.

Used to deploy SmartBlocks based on the URL or parts of the URL of the page the customer is on, for example, query parameters to target customers who came in from a specific source or medium.

A URL can be broken down into four sections: the protocol, domain, path and query. As an example, for the URL:

  • The protocol is https://

  • The domain is

  • The path is /page/about

  • The query is ?id=3&name=page

The Current Page URL rule lets you compare one of these sections of the URL, or the full URL, against a specific value.

Current Session

Only available for web personalization.

First Page Visited

Used to target customers that entered the site from a specific page, or a page containing a specified text string in the URL.

Viewed Page Count

Used to target a customer based on how many pages they've viewed in their current session.

Has Browsed In Current Session

Used to target a customer based on whether they have browsed a product page or not, and what products, including products with specific tags or other values, they've browsed in their current session.


Daily Schedule

Used to display different SmartBlock content based on the time of day.

Monthly Schedule

Used to display different SmartBlock content based on a monthly schedule.

Date Range

Used to display different SmartBlock content based on a defined date range.

Weekly Schedule

Used to display different SmartBlock content based on a weekly schedule.


Requires the Weather module.


Used to display different SmartBlock content based on the temperature in a customer's location.


Used to display different SmartBlock content based on the weather in a customer's location.


Requires the Geotargeting module.


Used to target customers within a specified country, based on either a derived or imported location value.

Location Set Targeting

Used to target a customer based on their proximity to an area or a single location from a predefined location set.

Location Known

Used to target customers where we know their location.

Single Point Targeting

Used to target a customer based on their proximity to a set location.


Product Field

Used to display SmartBlocks based on a field related to the product currently being displayed, or a specific product that is specified in the rule.

Advanced - Custom Script

Uses JavaScript to create conditions which can't be handled with standard rules.

You can use the Test function to check that your custom script works as you expect.

If the JavaScript returns result.proceed = true, the custom script continues down the Yes path.

If the JavaScript returns result.proceed = false, the custom script continues down the No path.

Configure a rule: comparisons

When configuring a rule, it might be necessary to specify a comparison, to tell the rule what to do with the data it receives.

For example, targeting a customer who’s browsing a product with a name that contains the word football would be a contains comparison between and football.

Different types of data have different available comparisons. For example, a date could be before or after another date, while a number could be greater than or less than another number.

Marketing Rules support four standard data types:

  • strings (text)
    Can be compared using exists, contains, starts with or ends with.

  • numbers
    Can be compared using equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to, less than or less than or equal to.

  • dates
    Can be compared using is, is before or is after.

  • Booleans (true or false)
    Can be compared using is true or is false.

A number of other data types specific to Fresh Relevance are also supported:

  • product

  • tag

  • sbr

  • curr

  • lang

  • multiple

  • permission

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