API tokens can be optionally configured to allow access to only parts of the API.
To configure access token settings, expand the User menu, and go to Settings > Other Integrations > Fresh Relevance Access Tokens.
Token read / write permissions
Read and/or write access can be granted to tokens for the following major areas of the API:
System area | Description |
Content | Get/Set content items such as SmartBlocks and Slots. |
Products | Get/Set Products |
Triggers | Get/Set Trigger programs. |
Content Server Extensions | Content server options which expose full JSON output, and additional data. |
Bulk Data | Access to PII and other bulk data such as detailed reports. |
Reports | Access to reports. Some reports may give access to a limited amount of PII, so this should be used with care. |
System Admin | Access to APIs such as the list of channels, users and similar. |
For each system area, you can control whether access for the token is:
read-only (GET, HEAD verbs)
write-only (POST, PUT, DELETE verbs)
or both.
Our API can be used to upload and extract data and content. Learn more in Integration API.
Create an API token
Expand the User menu, and go to Settings > Other Integrations > Fresh Relevance Access Tokens.
Expand the Create Token drop-down menu.
Select Expiry date to open the date picker, then select the date you want the token to expire.
Expand the Token type drop-down menu and choose the token type.
Enter the token’s name.
For permissions, select the checkboxes for each read / write permission you want the token to be granted.
Select Create Token.
Edit an API token
To edit an API token:
Expand the User menu, and go to Settings > Other Integrations > Fresh Relevance Access Tokens.
Expand the Tokens drop-down menu.
Find and select the token you want to edit.
Edit the token’s Expiry date, Token type, Name, or Permissions.
Select Update Token.