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Reviews SmartBlocks

Display reviews from your customers in your emails and on your website.

Updated over 9 months ago

The reviews you display may be reviews of your products, your site, or your service, depending on which review provider you use.

Create a Reviews SmartBlock

  1. Go to Content > SmartBlocks.

  2. Select the Reviews tab, then select CREATE SMARTBLOCK.

  3. Decide whether to include multiple or individual reviews, then hover over the template you want to use and select CREATE.

  4. On the Layout tab, use the dropdown menus and text fields to enter fonts, colors and styles for the review elements.

  5. Select the Properties tab and give your SmartBlock a name and tags.
    You can add an optional redirect URL. If you’re displaying product reviews, you can set {{ review.product.u }} as the redirect URL to allow customers to click through to the site page of the product being reviewed.
    You can also choose to add UTM tags for link tracking purposes.

  6. Select the Data Sources tab and expand the Review Type drop-down menu, then select either Product or Service reviews.
    Available review types depend upon the review provider you use. Learn more in the section Review providers.
    Enter the number of reviews you'd like to display.

  7. Select the Options tab, and:

    1. for Max Stars enter the maximum score a customer can give your product or service.

    2. optionally, for Maximum Review Length, enter the maximum number of characters that a review can display.

    3. for Reorder Results you can select any sorting or shuffling filters you want to use to avoid always showing the same reviews when using data sources that do not change frequently.

  8. Select the Filtering tab. The options here allow you to finely control which reviews you display. You can filter by Site Brand, Currency, Language, Review Date, Rating, and Product ID.
    To allow for quick filtering, if you pass values for Product ID (prid), Site Brand (sbr), Currency (curr), or language (lang) in the query string and no filter is already set up, these values are used to select the correct product(s) to show reviews for.

  9. When you’re happy with the setup of your SmartBlock, select PUBLISH.

Filter options




Show reviews that were published within a specified period of time.


Show reviews where the rating given by the customer falls within a specified range. For example, Greater than 3, Does not equal 3, etc.

Product ID

Show reviews for specific products filtered by product ID.


Filter reviews by keywords and phrases in the review text.


  • Contains: matches any reviews that contain the words or phrases in the filter.

  • Does Not Contain: excludes any reviews that contain the text in the filter.

  • Text Match: special matching mode that does a full text search on the review text:

    • Enter a single word to match anywhere: boys will match Boys jumper but not Blue Jumper.

    • Enter more words to match any of the terms, in any order: jumper boys matches Jumper (Blue) Boys and also Girls Jumper.

    • Enclose multiple terms in quotes to ensure all terms are matched in any order: "jumper" "boys" matches Jumper (Blue) Boys but not Girls Jumper.

    • Enclose phrases in quotes to ensure the whole phrase is matched: "Boys Jumper" does not match Jumper (Blue) Boys but matches Boys Jumper - Blue.

    • Put a - before terms to exclude them: Jumper -boys doesn’t match Jumper (Blue) Boys but matches Girls Jumper. You cannot use only a negated term, like -boys, as no results are returned. Instead, use the does not contain operator.

Template variables

If you are modifying an existing template or designing a new one, here is a list of all Product and Review merge fields that can be used in the template

The fields available depend on your review provider.

Review Merge Field


{{ review.body }}

The text of the review.

{{ review.rating }}

The score given by the reviewer.

{{ review.curr }}

Currency code, for example, GBP.

{{ }}

Author name.

{{ review.sbr }}

Site Brand code.

{{ review.location }}

Where the reviewer is located.

{{ review.dt }}

The date stamp of when the review was published.

{{ review.type }}

Whether the review is a product review or a service review.

{{ review.lang }}

Review language code.

{{ review.attributes }}

Sub scores of the review.

This varies depending on the review provider.

The following merge fields can only be used if you are displaying product reviews:

Product Merge Field


{{ review.product.n }}

The name of the product.

{{ review.product.u }}

The URL of the product page.

{{ review.product.img }}

The image URL of the product.

{{ review.product.img_tn }}

The image thumbnail URL of the product.

{{ review.product.desc }}

A brief description of the product.

Review providers

Different review providers support different review types. The provider you use dictates which types are available for you to include in your SmartBlocks.

Review Provider

Supports product reviews

Supports site/service reviews


Yes ✅

Yes ✅


Yes ✅

Yes ✅


Yes ✅

Yes ✅


Yes ✅

Yes ✅


Yes ✅

No ❌


Yes ✅

Yes ✅


Yes ✅

No ❌


Yes ✅

Yes ✅

Learn more in Import review data.

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