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Instagram SmartBlocks

Instagram SmartBlocks include the most recent images from your Instagram account in your emails and on your website.

Updated over 7 months ago

The individual images in an Instagram SmartBlock can be set to allow readers to click through to the Instagram post. You can filter the displayed images to a hashtag of your choice, for example #justarrived or #thisseason.

Connect your Instagram account

While it’s not essential to log into your Instagram account in order to make use of an Instagram SmartBlock, it is recommended so that you can take advantage of:

  • Faster performance

  • Improved reliability

  • Easier SmartBlock configuration

  • New images shown in your SmartBlocks within a couple of minutes of being posted

To connect to your Instagram account:

  1. Expand the User menu and go to Settings > Other Integrations.

  2. Select Instagram Settings.

  3. Select Connect to Instagram. You’re taken to the Instagram login page.

  4. Enter your Instagram login credentials and select Log in.

  5. Agree to give the app permission to view your public posts.


  1. Go to Content > SmartBlocks.

  2. Select the Instagram tab.


  4. Hover over the layout you want for your SmartBlock, then select CREATE.

Mergeable Instagram data

In most of the layouts available for Instagram SmartBlocks, the only data we use from Instagram is the thumbnail image. If you want to use any other data from Instagram, select Edit next to the Layout drop-down menu, and type in the appropriate merge field(s) from the list below.

Merge Field


{{ item.images.thumbnail.url }}

Source URL of the thumbnail image.

{{ item.images.low_resolution.url }}

Source URL of the medium-sized image.

{{ item.images.standard_resolution.url }}

Source URL of the large image.

{{ }}

URL of the Instagram post.

Can be used in the Redirect URL field.

{{ item.caption.text }}

Caption of the image given by the user who posted it.

{{ item.caption.from.username }}

Username of the person who posted the caption.

{{ item.caption.from.full_name }}

Full name of the person who posted the caption.

{{ item.caption.from.profile_picture }}

Image source URL of the profile picture of the user who posted the caption.

{{ item.is_video }}

Boolean that indicates whether the item is a video or image post.


Once you have created your SmartBlock, and defined its layout, you can select the Properties tab to configure it.

  1. Enter a name for your SmartBlock.

  2. Optionally, add tags to group this SmartBlock with others of your choice.

    For SmartBlock management and reporting purposes.

  3. The Dynamic (Metered) check box is selected by default. Instagram SmartBlocks must be dynamic.

  4. Enter a Redirect URL for when a visitor clicks on the feed.
    By default, this field is set to {{}}, which redirects the visitor to the Instagram post the image is from. Leave blank to link to the Instagram page you’re displaying images from.

  5. Enter the UTM tagsutm_source, utm_campaign and utm_medium — you want to use to track clicks on this SmartBlock.

  6. Enter any merge parameters that you want to allow in the Slot query string.


All Instagram SmartBlocks must be dynamic (metered), which means that all the data in the person record is available to use. For example, you might want to include a personalized code in the redirect URL for your analytics tool to track.

Data source

Select the Data Source tab to set the name and post properties for your Instagram SmartBlock.

  1. Enter the Instagram username for the profile whose posts you want to use in your SmartBlock.

  2. Optionally, enter a hashtag to filter posts displayed to only those using the specified hashtag.

  3. Enter the number of posts for the SmartBlock to display.

  4. Select the Shuffle check box to return a random selection of the 20 most recent posts for the selected profile.
    This selection changes each time the SmartBlock is generated.

  5. Expand the Show Video Thumbnails drop-down menu to choose how to manage the display of thumbnails:

    • Image and Video thumbnails

    • Image thumbnails only

    • Video thumbnails only

  6. Once you’re happy with the configuration of your SmartBlock, select:

      To save your changes and exit to the SmartBlocks page.

      To save your changes and be directed to the Use page for the SmartBlock.

      To save your changes and continue editing.

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