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Import review data

Fresh Relevance can import product reviews and service reviews from external review services.

Updated over 4 months ago

Before you start

Things you need to know:

  • You must have the Social Proof Module to import review data.

Configure the import

Imported review data can be used to display product ratings in Recommendation SmartBlocks.

Support for importing product reviews and site (or service) reviews varies by provider:

Review provider

Supports product reviews

Supports site/service reviews

Trustpilot (V1 - deprecated)



Trustpilot (V2)















Power Reviews





To configure the import of review data:

  1. Expand the User menu and go to Settings > Other Integrations.

  2. Select Rating & Review Provider(s).

  3. Under Set up a new channel, expand the Review Service Provider drop-down menu and select the provider name.

  4. Select NEXT.

  5. Follow the setup steps for your provider.

  6. Once your channel setup is complete, on the Rating and Review Providers page, select the radio button for Product Reviews or Site Reviews to indicate which review type to import for that provider.
    You can select both types for a single provider.

If you need to, you can create multiple channels and use one for each type of review import. To add multiple providers, follow the above steps again for each provider you want to add.

Select the correct Review Key field

The review key field controls how Fresh Relevance matches products with reviews.

If you use the values captured by Fresh Relevance in the product ID (prid) or SKU fields to relate product reviews, select the appropriate field.

If you use a different value that is not captured to one of those fields, for example, UPC or another identifier, contact support and they can arrange for the correct value to be captured to the Review ID (rid) field. Once this is done, you can select the rid option when prompted during channel setup.

Review providers

Expand the section for the review provider you want to integrate with to see the installation instructions.


Site ID

To find your Bazaarvoice Site ID, go to Menu > Hosting Summary in the Bazaarvoice Client Portal (also called Workbench).

Request API credentials

Ensure that there is a Technical Admin from your company listed on your Bazaarvoice account. You can reach out to Bazaarvoice if you need to nominate someone for this role.

  1. Log in to the Bazaarvoice Portal.

  2. Select the Portal menu and then select Developer Tools under Administration.

  3. Select Request API Key to request a Displayable Content Export API Key.

  4. Follow the instructions in the request form to request a new API key. After you submit the request, you receive an email summarising the API key’s details.

  5. Wait for a Technical Admin to approve your keys, which turns the status from Pending to Approved.

Set up the channel

  1. In Fresh Relevance, enter a Channel Name to allow you to identify the import later.

  2. Enter the details from your Bazaarvoice account:

    • API Key

    • Site ID

    • API Secret

  3. Expand the Review Key Field drop-down menu and select the appropriate field.

  4. Expand the Review Locale Field and select from:

    1. Ignore Locale

    2. Product Site Brand (sbr)

    3. Product Language (lang)

    4. Product Currency (curr)

    5. Product Review Locale Field (review_locale)
      The option you select specifies which field in the product matches the locale stored in the review provider. Select Ignore Locale to include all reviews from all locales in each product.

  5. To treat the review key as a list and return an aggregated rating across all of the supplied review keys, select the Aggregate Reviews checkbox.

  6. To see detailed reviews for products, select the Detailed Reviews checkbox.

  7. Select SAVE.


Merchant identifier

To find your merchant identifier:

  1. Log into your Feefo account.

  2. Go to Settings > Business Details.

  3. Copy the Merchant Identifier.

Set up the channel

  1. In Fresh Relevance, enter a Channel Name to allow you to identify the import later.

  2. Enter your Feefo Merchant Identifier.

  3. Expand the Review Key Field drop-down menu and select the appropriate field.

  4. To treat the review key as a list and return an aggregated rating across all of the supplied review keys, select the Aggregate Reviews checkbox.

  5. To see detailed reviews for products, select the Detailed Reviews checkbox.

  6. To include reviews imported into Feefo in the review count and rating calculation, select the Imported Reviews Summary checkbox.

  7. Expand the Feefo Product Review Allocation drop-down menu and select from:

    1. Parent and Child Products (Magento only)

    2. Parent products only

    3. Child products only
      The option you select specifies which level reviews are stored at on Feefo. Typically this is at the child product level. If you’re unsure which level you store your product reviews, contact Support for assistance.

  8. Select SAVE.

Power Reviews

Set up the channel

  1. In Fresh Relevance, enter a Channel Name to allow you to identify the import later.

  2. Enter your Power Reviews API Key and Merchant Code.
    These details are provided to you by Power Reviews. Contact their Support team if you need assistance.

  3. Expand the Review Key Field drop-down menu and select the appropriate field.

  4. Enter your Review Provider Locale.
    Used to identify requests, in the format en_GB (case-sensitive).

  5. To see detailed reviews for products, select the Detailed Reviews checkbox.

  6. Select SAVE.


Request an API Key and Secret

You must contact your Reevoo Account Manager to get API credentials released by Reevoo.

Contact Support to get the process underway.

Once a contract has been provided by Reevoo, and signed, the API details can be released.


The TRKREF (tracking reference) field is provided to you for each account by Reevoo.

Set up the channel

  1. In Fresh Relevance, enter a Channel Name to allow you to identify the import later.

  2. Enter your Reevoo API Key, TRKREF Value, and API Secret.

  3. Expand the Review Key Field drop-down menu and select the appropriate field.

  4. To treat the review key as a list and return an aggregated rating across all of the supplied review keys, select the Aggregate Reviews checkbox.

  5. Enter the Locale for review data.
    Used to identify requests. This is typically en-GB.

  6. To see detailed reviews for products and services, select the Detailed Reviews checkbox.

  7. Select SAVE.

Store ID

To get your Store ID:

  1. Log into your account

  2. Select Integrations in the lower left menu.

  3. Select API.

  4. Copy the Store ID.

Set up the channel

  1. In Fresh Relevance, enter a Channel Name to allow you to identify the import later.

  2. Enter your Store ID.

  3. Expand the Review Key Field drop-down menu and select the appropriate field.

  4. To treat the review key as a list and return an aggregated rating across all of the supplied review keys, select the Aggregate Reviews checkbox.

  5. To see detailed reviews for products and services, select the Detailed Reviews checkbox.

  6. Select SAVE.


Subscription with Trustpilot required

You must have a paid subscription to Trustpilot to be able to use this integration. If you’re unsure whether you have this, contact Support or your Trustpilot representative.

Trustpilot account URL

To get your Trustpilot Account URL:

  1. Log into your Trustpilot Account.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Copy the URL displayed next to Business settings or Profile settings.

    You can also find this URL by going to your public Trustpilot Profile and looking at the URL. It looks something like

    Copy your equivalent of after the forward slash (/) . This should not contain https:// or trustpilot.

Set up the channel

  1. In Fresh Relevance, enter a Channel Name to allow you to identify the import later.

  2. Enter your Trustpilot Account URL.

  3. Under Authenticate with Trustpilot, select Click here to connect Trustpilot to your Fresh Relevance account.

  4. Expand the Review Key Field drop-down menu and select the appropriate field.

  5. To see detailed reviews for products and services, select the Detailed Reviews checkbox.

  6. To treat the review key as a list and return an aggregated rating across all of the supplied review keys, select the Aggregate Reviews checkbox.

  7. To see imported detailed reviews for products or services, select the Imported Detailed Reviews checkbox.
    Detailed reviews must be enabled.

  8. To include reviews imported into Trustpilot in the review count and rating calculation, select the Imported Reviews Summary checkbox.

  9. Select SAVE.


Set up the channel

  1. In Fresh Relevance, enter a Channel Name to allow you to identify the import later.

  2. Expand the Review Key Field drop-down menu and select the appropriate field.

  3. To treat the review key as a list and return an aggregated rating across all of the supplied review keys, select the Aggregate Reviews checkbox.

  4. To see detailed reviews for products and services, select the Detailed Reviews checkbox.

  5. Under Connect to Yotpo, select Click here to connect Yotpo to your Fresh Relevance account.

  6. Select SAVE.

Capture review data through the Fresh Relevance script

  1. Expand the User menu and go to Settings > Other Integrations.

  2. Select Rating & Review Provider(s).

  3. Under Set up a new channel, expand the Review Service Provider drop-down menu and select Capture reviews using onsite script.

  4. Select NEXT.

  5. Enter a name for the channel and select SAVE.

Once this is done, to enable the collection of product rating data from your website, you must contact Fresh Relevance support so your script can be updated.

The team configure your script to capture the product rating from the website HTML.


The following limitations apply to the on-site capture of ratings:

  • Only product rating and rating count are captured. Detailed product reviews are not collected.

  • Product ratings are only captured or updated for each product when visited by a customer.

  • Service reviews cannot be captured using this method.

Import reviews using product imports

If you’re using the Social Proof module, it’s also possible to import product ratings through a product import. This can be useful if Fresh Relevance doesn’t have an integration with your review provider.

Learn how in Import product data.

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