Before you start
Things you need to know:
Make sure you have the following before starting:
Login details for Fresh Relevance.
Login details for Waterfall with the appropriate credentials, these are provided to you by your Upland Waterfall project manager.
Upland Waterfall API credentials.
Get your Twilio API Details
You need the following:
Client ID
List ID for sending triggered messages
Client ID
Ask Waterfall support for this ID.
API key
Ask Waterfall support for this key.
List ID for sending triggered messages
Find this by going to the Lists section of in your Waterfall account. Select the list name and copy the ID from the URL.
For example, if the URL is:
Then the List ID is 62190fdd765555555565dca5
Copy these API details to a temporary location such as Notepad.
Set your API Details
After finding the API information above:
In your Fresh Relevance account, expand the User menu, and go to Settings > Triggers and Messaging integrations.
Select Messaging Provider(s).
Expand the Service Provider drop-down menu and select Upland Waterfall SMS.
Select NEXT.
Enter your Waterfall details.
Select the ? icon next to each field for more details.
Select SAVE.