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Billing and organization information
Billing and organization information

Create or update billing and organization contacts and set a purchase order number for your invoices.

Updated over a week ago

Update or add billing contact information

You must provide the billing details for your accounts department. If you have multiple organizations, you need to register each one separately. To switch between organizations, log out and log back in.

  1. Expand the User menu, then go to Settings > Account Details > Billing Contacts.

  2. Enter your billing contact information.

  3. Select SAVE.

Organization details

To update or add your organization details:

  1. Expand the User menu, then go to Settings > Account Details > Organization Details.

  2. Enter your organization's name, phone number, and reference number.
    ​The reference number is useful for billing if your organization has several accounts.

  3. Select SAVE.

Purchase order numbers

To add a purchase order number to be automatically applies to future invoices:

  1. Expand the User menu and go to Billing.

  2. Under Set PO number for future invoices, enter your PO number.


The PO number applies to all new invoices created but does not change existing invoices.

Update a purchase order number on a past invoice

If you need the PO number on existing invoices updated, contact Support.

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