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Why you might see recoveries without sending out any emails
Why you might see recoveries without sending out any emails

Understand natural recoveries.

Updated over 7 months ago

Any recoveries you see despite a lack of sends are natural recoveries. They are the result of shoppers coming back to your site within a specified timeframe without the need for a cart recovery email.

The system checks each time a purchase is made to see if an email was recently sent to that shopper. If an email has been sent, then it counts the purchase as a recovered purchase.

This happens even if you are not actually sending emails because you’re sending to a catch-all address. The system knows that an email would have been sent to that customer normally.

This gives you an idea of the natural recovery rate: the rate of customers who make a purchase after abandonment without any intervention. This data can be very useful as a baseline.

You can disable catch-all email sends and recoveries appearing in reports.

To do this:

  1. Expand the User menu and go to Settings > Triggers and Messaging integrations > Trigger settings.

  2. Clear the Blackholed Sends Are Recorded check-box.

  3. Select SAVE.

Customers are attributed to recoveries if they return within 24 hours; this is the default time frame. To change this:

  1. Expand the User menu and go to Settings > Triggers and Messaging integrations > Trigger settings.

  2. Enter a new value for Remarketing Attribution Interval.

  3. Select SAVE.

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