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Coupon SmartBlocks

Use Coupon SmartBlocks to display coupon codes to your site visitors and email recipients.

Updated over 8 months ago

Coupon SmartBlocks allow you to leverage your user data to provide personalized offers and recommendations. Offer tailored discounts, incentivize your visitors, and track the performance of your promotions.

You can use Coupon SmartBlocks for a whole range of different purposes, including:

  • Discount codes

    Offer your visitors a percentage or fixed amount discount off their order total, or offer free or reduced-cost shipping.

  • Abandoned cart recovery

    Encourage visitors to complete an abandoned purchase by including a coupon code in your follow-up messaging.

  • Exit-intent popovers

    Offer an enticing discount to visitors about to leave your site.

  • Limited-time offers

    Use coupon codes with a countdown to create a sense of urgency for short-term deals.

Manage coupon lists

Coupon lists are the files used to store coupon codes. This can be an external file of unique coupon codes which you upload to the platform, or a single, non-unique code that you create. The Coupon Lists page is a central location for you to manage your coupon code lists at an account level.

Coupon lists can be either unique or non-unique.

  • Unique
    Each code in the list is distinct. Each visitor or recipient receives their own code.

  • Non-unique

    A single code that can be used a specified number of times. Each visitor or recipient sees the same code.

To access the page:

  1. Expand the User menu and go to Settings > System Configuration.

  2. Select Coupon Lists.

You see a table view of your coupon lists. Select Filters in the top left of the page to select whether to view Active or Inactive lists, or both. You can also select Archived to include previously archived lists in the table.

Archived lists are still stored in the platform, but can no longer be selected for use in SmartBlocks.

Select the three dots menu icon ( ) for a list to Edit or Archive the list.

For already archived lists, the option is Unarchive.

Create a new list


  2. Enter a name for your list, expand the Coupon Type drop-down menu and select Unique or Non-unique, then select CREATE.

Non-unique lists

  1. Enter the coupon code text you want to use in the Coupon field.

  2. For Times the coupon will be issued, enter the number of this coupon you want to make available to visitors or recipients.

  3. Select CREATE.

  4. If you want to set an expiry date or time for the coupon code, expand the Set Optional Expiry Date drop-down menu and select from:

    • Expire date

      Expand the Time Zone drop-down menu and select the time zone for the expiry date, then for Expiration Date, enter the date you want the coupon code to be valid until.

    • Expire after hours shown

      Enter the number of hours you want the coupon code to be valid for.

  5. Optionally, under Alert Options, select the Set Low-Remaining Alert checkbox to send a notification email when the number of useable codes drops to your specified figure.

    • For Minimum Remaining Codes, enter the number of codes remaining in the list at which you want the notification to be sent.

    • For Email, enter the email address you want the notification to be sent to.

  6. Select SAVE.

Unique lists

  1. If you want to set an expiry date or time for the coupon code, expand the Set Optional Expiry Date drop-down menu and select from:

    • Expire date

      Expand the Time Zone drop-down menu and select the time zone for the expiry date, then for Expiration Date, enter the date you want the coupon code to be valid until.

    • Expire after hours shown
      Enter the number of hours you want the coupon code to be valid for.

  2. Optionally, under Alert Options, select the Set Low-Remaining Alert checkbox to send a notification email when the number of useable codes drops to your specified figure.

    • For Minimum Remaining Codes, enter the number of codes remaining in the list at which you want the notification to be sent.

    • For Email, enter the email address you want the notification to be sent to.

  3. Select SAVE.

Add codes to a list

Before you start

  • Codes can only be uploaded to unique lists.

  • You must use a text file with a .txt extension, with one code on each row. The maximum file size is 20MB. Large files may take some time to complete.

  • Duplicate codes within a single list are discarded, even if you upload the unique codes over multiple sessions.

Once you have created a unique coupon code list, you need to add the codes to it that you want to use for the related promotion.

You can also add more codes to an older list which is running low, that you want to continue to use.

To do this:

  1. Expand the User menu and go to Settings > System Configuration.

  2. Select Coupon Lists.

  3. For the list you want to add to, select UPLOAD COUPONS.

  4. In the Upload File window, drag and drop your coupon code file, or select browse to locate the file on your computer.

  5. Optionally, select the Replace all unused codes checkbox to remove unused codes from the list, and populate the list entirely with the codes from your uploaded file.
    If you don’t select this option, the codes from your uploaded file are added to the existing unused codes in the list.

  6. Select UPLOAD.

Create a Coupon SmartBlock

  1. Go to Content > SmartBlocks.

  2. Select the Coupon tab.


  4. For Placement, choose the Website or Email placement of your Coupon SmartBlock.

  5. For Layout, select the layout template you want to use.

  6. For Name and Save, enter a name for your SmartBlock, then choose a folder to store it in.

  7. Select SAVE.


On the Design tab of the Edit SmartBlock page you can configure the design for all the different elements of your Coupon SmartBlock.

You can individually set the design for:

  • Core
    The overall coupon container. Set width, height, padding, corner style, borders, and choose to set a background color or upload a background image.

  • Headline
    Enable or disable headline text. If enabled, set the text to use, font, size, color, formatting, and padding.

  • Sub Headline
    Enable or disable sub-headline text. If enabled, set the text to use, font, size, color, formatting, and padding.

  • Coupon
    The coupon code displayed in the SmartBlock. Set the font, size, color, formatting, shape, border, and padding.

  • Call To Action Button
    Enable or disable the CTA button. If enabled, set the CTA text to use, font, size, color, formatting, corner style, border, and padding.

  • Footer
    Enable or disable the footer text. If enabled, set the text to use, font, size, color, formatting, alignment, and padding.

  • Coupon Not Available
    Enable or disable the Not Available Message text for your coupon.
    For example, if you have a limited number of coupons for a promotion and want to set a message to display to visitors after all available coupons have been used.

    If enabled, set the text to use, font, size, color, formatting, alignment, padding, corner style, and border.

The preview panel on the right hand side of the page updates as you make any changes to your SmartBlock design, so you can immediately view them. There are separate previews for the Coupon Available design and the Coupon Not Available design.

The Coupon Not Available design only displays differently if you have enabled the Not Available Message option.

Coupon codes

Expand the Select Coupon Codes drop-down menu to select the list of codes to use in this SmartBlock.

If you need to add a new list, or upload additional coupons to a list, select COUPON MANAGEMENT to go to the Coupon Lists page.

Learn more in the section Manage coupon lists.

You can create a Coupon SmartBlock without selecting a coupon list to use. You can return to the Edit SmartBlock page later to select a list if you need to. Before you use a Coupon SmartBlock, ensure that is has a coupon list attached.


On the Properties tab you can :

  • Change the selected layout.

  • Edit the name and folder location of your SmartBlock.

  • Add tags to group this SmartBlock with others of your choice.
    For SmartBlock management and reporting purposes.

  • Enter any merge parameters that you want to allow in the Slot query string.

It’s also possible to disable dynamic content for the SmartBlock, but unless you’re on a legacy package where this decision has billing implications, we don’t advise this.


On the Links tab you can:

  • Enter a Redirect URL to send visitors to if they click on the SmartBlock.

  • Enter the UTM tagsutm_source, utm_campaign and utm_medium — you want to use to track clicks on this SmartBlock.

Expand the Advanced Options section to enable the ESP adds GA tracking parameters after link click option.

Learn more in the section SmartBlock links.


The Behavior tab is only available for the Hero Popover layout for website Coupon SmartBlocks.

On the Behavior tab, you can control how your popover behaves when it displays on your site.

Available settings are:

  • Show After Fixed Time
    Set the time in seconds after which a visitor opens the page for the SmartBlock to show. If you don’t want to use a fixed delay, set the field to 0.

  • Show on Exit Intent
    Enable to display the popover when a visitor moves their cursor towards the close page button.

  • Minimum Days Between Showing
    Set the number of days after a popover is dismissed that it should not be shown again to the same visitor on the same device. Set the field to 0 to always show the popover.
    Works in combination with Cookie Name.

  • Cookie Name
    Enter the cookie name to be set when a visitor sees the SmartBlock. The cookie name is used to identify the SmartBlock for the purposes of determining the number of days before it should be shown again. If multiple SmartBlock share the same cookie name, then the setting applies to all of these SmartBlocks. Leave blank to always show the popover.
    Works in combination with Minimum Days Between Showing.

  • Animation Type
    Set the type of animation to use when the coupon appears on the page.

  • Animation Duration
    Set the duration in seconds for which the animation runs.

  • Show on Every Page Load
    Enable this setting to show the popover to a visitor every time they visit the page, regardless of their history.
    This setting is useful for testing purposes.

App Output and Table Lookup

The App Output tab allows you to drive different outcomes or content being shown within a mobile app or headless commerce environment.

The Table Lookup tab allows you to configure the use of custom data tables to dynamically update the SmartBlock design or output.

Advanced: Edit layouts for Coupon SmartBlocks

The layout of a Coupon SmartBlock can be edited to suit your branding.

To do this, on the Edit SmartBlock page, select the Edit Layout icon (</>).

We recommend that you edit an existing layout rather than starting from scratch, as the existing layouts contain the correct markup.

Use the same merges and personalization scripts as in our cart layouts and other SmartBlocks.

The scripts in the default layouts check for:

  • campaign and coupon expiry

  • whether there are any coupon codes left to assign to your customer

  • whether the customer has been recognized.

If, for any of these reasons, the SmartBlock can’t display a code, you can write messages in the layout to display instead.

Available merge fields



{{ coupon }}

The coupon code to display.

{{ coupon_expired }}

Boolean value.

If you set a value for Hours to Display, coupon_expired is false before the time is up, and true after the time runs out. If there’s no value for Hours to Display, coupon_expired is always false.

{{ campaign_expired }}

Boolean value.

If you set a value for Expiry Date, campaign_expired is false before the date, and true after the date has passed. If there’s no value for Expiry Date, campaign_expired is always false.

{{ coupon_out_of_stock }}

Boolean value.

True if all coupons have been assigned to individual shoppers, false if not.

{{ person_record_not_found }}

Boolean value.

True if the person viewing the coupon has been identified as an individual, false if not.

{{ valid }}

Boolean value, meaning Is it valid to display a coupon code at this time to this person?.

Only true if coupon_expired, campaign_expired and coupon_out_of_stock are all false.

{{ will_expire }}

Boolean value.

If you set a value for Expiry Date, Hours to Display, or both, this is true. Otherwise, it’s false.

Expiry date merge fields

If you have set expiry conditions for your coupon, you can merge the expiry date into the SmartBlock with these fields.




{{ expiry_date.time_am_pm }}

The expiry time in 12-hour time, labelled as AM or PM, with hours and minutes separated by a colon.

3:47 pm

{{ expiry_date.time_24_hr }}

The expiry time in 24 hour time, with hours and minutes separated by a colon.


{{ expiry_date.short_weekday }}

The day of the week on which the coupon expires, abbreviated to three letters.


{{ expiry_date.long_weekday }}

The full name of the day of the week on which the coupon expires.


{{ expiry_date.short_date_DMY }}

The day, month, and year numbers when the coupon expires, separated by slashes.


{{ expiry_date.short_date_MDY }}

The month, day, and year numbers when the coupon expires, separated by slashes.


{{ expiry_date.short_date_YMD }}

The year, month, and day numbers when the coupon expires, separated by slashes.


{{ expiry_date.long_date_DMY }}

The day of the month, the name of the month, and the year when the coupon expires.

3rd January 2024

{{ expiry_date.long_date_MDY }}

The name of the month, the day of the month, and the year when the coupon expires.

January 3rd 2024

You can combine any of these merge fields to give a full expiry date and time.

For example,

{{ expiry_date.long_weekday }} {{ expiry_date.long_date_MDY }} {{ expiry_date.time_am_pm }}

shows the date and time as:

Wednesday January 3rd 2024 3:47 pm

If you want to change aspects of the appearance such as the colors or fonts, you must edit the HTML and CSS in the layout editor.

Learn more about using Jinja2 for customization in Cart and SmartBlock layout merges. For help with HTML/CSS or if you have any further questions, contact your Account Manager or the Support team.

Advanced merging

You can personalize coupons for individual shoppers in a Coupon SmartBlock.

For example, you can include a personalized code in the redirect URL for your analytics tool to track:

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